Please ensure the following latest software versions are downloaded on your Android phone and/or tablet:

  1. MAVRIC Shoulder AR-throscopy
  2. Google “Home”

1. Setup the TV at a comfortable height to mimic the screen as if it was on the arthroscopic stack.

2. [TV] Plug in Google Chromecast (“mirroring device”) into a TV HDMI input slot (make a note of which HDMI input is used).

3. [MIRRORING DEVICE] Use USB cable to power mirroring device from USB slot on TV, or charger or charging hub.

4. [TV] Turn TV on and select HDMI input above.

5. [MIRRORING DEVICE] As per manufacturer’s instructions, connect the mirroring device to a local full access Wi-Fi hotspot. *Please note this requires FULL Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi signal in hospitals, hotels, etc which has a login or acceptance screen will not work).

6. [ANDROID PHONE] Connect your phone to the same Wi-Fi hotspot.

7. Place the AR-throscopy Kit or Simulator Box on a table that is at a comfortable height to perform simulated arthroscopy.

8. Make sure the AR markers are not in a shadow and place the phone in a position that is stable and clearly viewing the AR markers. We would strongly advise purchasing a phone stand for this purpose.

9. [ANDROID PHONE] Increase screen brightness to the maximum setting. Go to Settings > Display > Brightness.

10. [ANDROID PHONE] Open Google “Home” App.

11. [ANDROID PHONE] Click bottom right “person” icon.

12. [ANDROID PHONE] Select “Mirror Device”.

13. [ANDROID PHONE] Cast to “[Mirroring Device]”.

14. [TV] TV should show phone screen.

15. [ANDROID PHONE] Tap AR-throscopy app.

16. You are ready to go!

coming soon

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